• Th4tGuyII
    23 days ago

    Realistically, what are you gonna do? The time for another candidate came and went, so all intents and purposes you’ve got either Biden or Trump.

    Refusing to vote en-masse to stick it to the DNC sounds great, but is it worth giving Trump the keys to the castle?

    The guy who’s repeatedly given open support towards Israel “war”, told them they should “get the job done” - hell his only condemnation towards them is the fact Israel recorded any of it.

    Trump being in would only change things for the worse, and that’s just with Gaza - I’d argue the status quo is better than the alternative.

    Though it’s fucked we ended up in this situation in the first place.

    • Melkath
      -223 days ago

      You flip the monopoly board.

      That’s what you do.

        • Melkath
          -322 days ago

          Fewer than Biden is extinguishing in Palestine. Right now. Every day.


          Depends on when they get the message.

          • @ChonkyOwlbear@lemmy.world
            22 days ago

            The US has 66 times the population of Palestine. You would get 66 times the amount of death and starvation if you “flipped the board”

            • Melkath
              -622 days ago

              Oh, fuck off genocide sympathizer.

              Fuck off fascist fuck.

              I hope you’re the first off the board when Biden loses.

                • Melkath
                  -422 days ago

                  I am willing to change the system to stop its currency from being how many lives it takes.

    • seahorse [Ohio]OPMA
      -2723 days ago

      I know trump would be worse, but this post is just expounding on how shitty biden still is. Being 5% better than trump isn’t good and he knows he could be better but he’s not.

      • Binthinkin
        3023 days ago

        5%? Who hurt you? It’s way more than that. More like 95%.

        You have a literal elderly criminal idiot vs a seasoned politician elderly idiot who won’t fuck the country over like DJT did.

        But then again I have been on 5 continents and know for a fact Americans are the dumbest people when it comes to having coherent awareness of their situation.

        • seahorse [Ohio]OPMA
          -1823 days ago

          Ironic you’re calling me an idiot when you can’t see the damage neoliberals like biden have caused and continue to cause. For starters, guy is literally enabling a genocide. He can’t even bring himself to call trump and his goons in the GOP fascists. I do mutual aid work with various organizations and I see the suffering these so called progressives in government allow to continue year after year while spending billions on bullshit like police and the defense industry.

          • SadSadSatellite
            523 days ago

            I know i’m not part of this ongoing debate, but it seems like you’re both right for different reasons. From an american standpoint, biden is significantly better, because of the social programs and liberal motivators he puts in place. As far as directly effecting american lives, biden helps and trump hurts.

            From a global capitalist perspective, they’re both the same, with biden being slightly worse because those same social benefits pacify the left into apathy towards stopping global war, genocide, destabilization of exploited countries, and the rise of global surveillance.

            Since we are forced to choose, biden seems better for america, but how does any real change happen if we’re all given our treats to stay obedient.

          • Bipta
            123 days ago

            I am very aware of that damage. You seem the unaware one, with regards to Trump.

      • Franklin
        323 days ago

        What a novel and salient point, you should keep making it every day until the election.

        As we know the president is responsible for everything and Congress and state government don’t matter at all.

        Disclaimer: this post is sarcasm.

        • seahorse [Ohio]OPMA
          -723 days ago

          I will keep making it long after the election.