I’m new to the cozy gaming world, but it was love at first sight. Stardew was my first truly Cozy Game, but I recently started Cozy Grove (loving it!) and am about to try Sun Haven. I tried one called The Archipelago a couple months ago, but it got a bit repetitive and boring after a while. Breadsticks was cute, but I’m terrible at platformers.
So, I was wondering, what are some of your favorites?
My favorite cozy games are A Hat in Time and Dying Light. Maybe odd choices, but these are games I can kind of turn my brain off and just relax. Whether it’s platforming around poppy worlds, or jump kicking zombies off roofs into spike traps, they relax me!
Not odd at all! Before discovering games like Stardew and Cozy Grove (which I’m now obsessed with), my go-to relaxing game was AC Black Flag, because pirates xD