There are many amazing projects and alternative front-ends strewn about the gopherverse, some of which can completely eliminate the dependency on their plain-web versions.

There are also holes that provide tools unique to gopher.

Let’s make this thread an on the fly database of front-ends, services and useful tools.

    1 年前

    gopher:// is one of my favorites - he has written scrapers for CNN news, Hackernews and Slashdot. The inimitable Cameron Kaiser wrote browser extensions for gopher : see And then visit his excellent burrow at gopher:// site for plenty of information on gopher client software (including web browsers that also understand gopher protocol). He also has a section with news scrapers (VoA, Kaiser Health, etc) and the Groundhog section that pulls NWS weather forecasts and radar imagery… I have been happy to utilize all these sites for years - I used gopher back before http was at all widespread (I had to telnet into to use their text WWW browser). Heck, I looked at gopher sites with Mosaic since it also parses the gopher protocol. And I love being able to burrow around using the clients running on my collection of old workstations (Sun, SGI, NeXT). Long live port 70…