We’re really excited for this release :)
Community quick switcher
You can now easily switch between communities and even search for new ones - all without leaving the feed! Just tap the header of any post feed.
Revamped gallery
The gallery component was given some TLC and is now enabled on the feed! (No needing to tap into a post to zoom an image!) You can even upvote, reply, comment and share from the gallery itself!
If you run Android, the gallery now respects your back button :)
This is just the start of what I personally want the gallery to do, so keep an eye out for more improvements around here!
Excellent work, no more being booted to the community menu after looking at an image.
Can we have pre-bulit docker image for linux/arm/v8 back please?
I am hosting it on raspberry pi with 32 bit os.
Edit: Reinstalled 64-bit raspibian. linux/arm64 is working now.
The community switcher is a godsend! Makes browsing much smoother!
Community block when?
Hey thank you for the quick updates! I noticed an issue on the sorting options where once you picked a sorting option, you can’t picked again since the switcher moves too fast.
Great work! My only gripe with the app is the fact that it populates my regular chrome history, making it completely full of wefwef. Is there any way to disable that / change that?
Not a perfect fix, but could just install it from a different browser. I’d personally recommend Brave browser.
Thank you for the community quick switcher! It’s definitely the biggest thing my muscle memory was missing from Apollo.
Here is a screenshot of the issue
Ah you need to restart. That’s an iOS bug
That did the trick! Thanks so much
Bless you for the Android back button fix! Great work everyone.
I’m not understanding how to use the quick switcher.
If I’m viewing a post and I tap the header (the area above the post) I don’t get a way to switch to a new community. How is it supposed to work? Btw I’m using wefwef
It just shrinks the post if I tap the title but it does nothing if I tap above that
You must be at the feed level, not post level and there should be an arrow icon pointing down. That allows you to search community or quick switch to your already subscribed ones.
That is what I see before a tap an individual post and after I am looking at the post.
You’re really going for that full Apollo experience and I love it!
Thanks so much for getting the back button fix out so fast! This was my only major frustration with wefwef.
Oh heellllllllll yeah, this is a primo update. Thank you!!
I’m having an issue/not understanding how to use the search feature when looking for new communities. Is there a way to search communities using key words or do I have to enter the exact community and instance? It seems like most of the time I get the “nothing to see here” message.