Its acquirer (Bending Spoons) has taken over operations. They’ve also hiked subscriptions prices and told customers they intend to use new revenues to pay for new features. How they intend to do that without any staff is something I would like to know about.

If you’re still using Evernote, probably a good time to stop.

    2 years ago

    I just logged onto my Evernote to back everything up due to this news, and this is what I found after I logged on and it pestering me to “unsync” my existing devices (not a bad idea honestly, it’s been literally 6 years since I’ve used Evernote):

    That’s right, you can only unsync your devices TWICE A MONTH. If that’s not the absolute trashiest shit behavior, I don’t know what is. Deleting my account once I get my info.

    Edit: I have one whole note and I don’t have the equipment it refers to anymore, so say goodbye to my Evernote account. Enshittification goes on.