Great source of light if you’re in the right biome!

    1 year ago

    You can use your pickaxe to unfreeze frozen team mates. a power attack will free them instantly. Sadly you can not free rockpoxxed team mates.

    If you shoot a zipline into the exit drop pod you can grab it on mission completion. You can then jump off the zipline and move around, and even leave the drop pod. If the mission finishes and you are outside of the drop pod you will lose a survival bonus. If all dwarves leave the drop pod you will fail the mission.

    You can also grab onto ziplines to escape Grabbers and Stingtails.

    You can hold “E” to grab onto ziplines and piperails instead of tapping. I didn’t know that as a greenbeard.

    You can reduce and complete lithophage objectives without cleaning tools. You can use your pickaxe to destroy the boils instead. I have found this useful when there’s a small amount left to clean and the cleaning tools have fallen down a cliff. Not recommended to do the whole thing this way.

    1 year ago

    Bosco can be commanded to build pipelines for you once the framework is in place. Just ping the first unbuilt segment of pipe and he’ll work his way along until he runs out of segments to build. Makes solo refinery missions so much better

    1 year ago

    Temperature shock. It’s a status effect that occurs when a creature takes enough cooling while On Fire to douse the flames directly, or enough heating while Frozen to unfreeze directly. The target must be fully ignited or frozen for Temperature shock to take effect - if a target is only midway approaching a temperature limit they will not be hit with Temperature Shock. It instantly deals 200 damage.

  • Untriggered exploders can be defused with the Wave Cooker. Usually. Triggered exploders may be defused by freezing and shattering them. Usually. The Cryo Cannon with the extra freezey upgrade is optimal for infestations.

  • Oh yes, magma geysers and steam vents can be exploded (the satchel charge does the trick) and will stop blasting. Useful if near a technical operation.

    I also take out swarmer nests with the satchel, but three waves will still spawn before going dead. I don’t know if nests are limited to three waves if left alone. I usually don’t wait around.