Members of Michael Protzman’s conspiracy cult abandoned their families and spent their life savings to follow him to Trump rallies around the country.
Members of Michael Protzman’s conspiracy cult abandoned their families and spent their life savings to follow him to Trump rallies around the country.
From the article:
Just… Wtf.
Twin Peaks tulpa rules, obvi.
You know, between multiple mental illnesses, some of them terminal, I thought I couldn’t even tell what was raw dogging who anymore. But it turns out I’m handling reality pretty well, actually.
So It’s JFK Jr. wearing a Protzman mask and also moonlighting as Donald Trump, but only the evil one (Protzman) died, who repeatedly prophesied his hated good twin’s return for Evil Reasons, but then they both just stayed in hiding anyway to fuck with everyone.
You ever been assassinated so hard that your personality splits into two separate corporeal beings who are at secret war with each other, and then you return, ageless, from the grave to lead the opposite political party from the one you believed in, but you have to do it in a fat suit, communicating solely through numerology, while your evil self rides a dirt bike? I’d watch that.