(definitely not satire )

  • VinnyDaCat@lemmy.world
    11 months ago

    You have a lot of should’s and need-to’s in you comments but not a lot of “going to” or “do’s,” I think that’s really emblematic of the issue. The other commenter is right, you see yourself as “the actual left” even though you likely don’t actually participate in the process in any real way. You essentially do not exist to pols because you don’t actually use your voice,

    You took the time to dig through my post history, so clearly you’d know I have intentions of voting, that I have voted before, and that I don’t simply vote in big elections, but rather at various different levels. I’m trying just as hard as you are, I’m just more understanding of those that aren’t, and I’m not defending all of my preferred candidates choices.

    But hey, reading is difficult. Easier to come online and be an asshole.

    I simply have more understanding of the general voting base. I’m not out of touch. Maybe if the moderates were capable of such they could convince people to vote.

    Also do some self-reflection. You need it with the amount of hypocrisy you just blatantly dropped.