And C-Suites are freaking the fuck out (my company) because we’re completing all of the work in <40 hours per week, which causes them to lose money lmao It is so fucking wild to me how no one sees the glaring problem here

All of this AI shit should’ve stayed as nothing more and nothing less than a tool to make the very monotonous work done by everyone just a tad easier.

It feels like we’re in such a massive fucking bubble right now on the scale of how people have talked about the sub prime mortgage crisis.

My boomer ass parents just keep telling me to wait for things to get better, but how can you wait for things to get better when things are just statistically worse for everyone

  • Hohsia [any]@hexbear.netOP
    10 months ago

    Nah no worries at all, I appreciate the understanding. I think edge cases like mine are what causes people to innocently miss the reality of living in the United States.

    I truly have trouble ordering my medicine because it enrages me how some of those low-level pharmaceutical employees can charge thousands of dollars for life-altering medicine so nonchalantly

    And it’s truly incomprehensible because my medicine is on the cheap end of specialty medicines.

    Words can’t describe this country and if it were easier to get out, you’d see mass exoduses everyday.