I have been searching for this person’s name for years, after people have pointed out my own blood type tattoo. Mine is for medical reasons. Anyway, after having people jokingly reference the scene where Jesse says, “A minus? Why not an A plus?” I haven’t been able to find the scene online, or the actor’s name on any website. I found a website that once named one of the rival characters as being portrayed by “Lauren (can’t remember the last name)”. They didn’t have a picture for that actor/actress. It’s like they removed all content online that has that actor/actress in it. Any ideas on who portrayed that person?
The only quote that has a minor and a plus is this:
What if this is like math, or algebra? And you add a plus douchebag to a minus douchebag, and you get, like, zero douchebags?
Is it the scene where Jesse and Walter encounter the aryan gang at some restaurant, or business, and the camera zooms in on the guy’s arm tattoo? Of so, that might be the scene I’m looking to find! I think there was a deleted scene from that episode that was released later, in Breaking Bad’s deleted scenes. Do you know the actor’s name? I had a whole conversation about that with someone, and now I can’t remember the actor’s name. I think the guy’s name was Lauren, but now it’s nowhere to be found online.
The quote is from s4e8 https://8flix.com/assets/transcripts/b/tt0903747/Breaking-Bad-episode-script-transcript-season-4-08-Hermanos.pdf
Are you thinking of Shenoah Allen?
No. I googled him and that doesn’t look like the actor of whom I’m thinking. It’s an actor who had a shaved head in the series and I think he typically wore long sleeve denim, or canvas shirts and pants. He never smiled.
Jimmy Daniels? He played Jimmy in-'N-Out
Very close! That guy looks similar, but the face isn’t exactly the same. I want to say he was part of the same crime group.