Hi, I was writing a campaign setting that was meant to be a heavy metal, sword and sorcery, Robert Howard style setting.

Trouble is I’m stuck for a system, initially I went with DnD 5e just cos it has so many tools for making monsters and encounters, but then I picked PbtA as a particularly troperific system.

Now I’m kinda stuck, cos PbtA doesn’t seem to have as much meat on it. Anyone have any advice or suggestions for systems?

  • ttmrichter@lemmy.world
    2 years ago

    I think the problem is that I was playing cinematic-feeling games beginning in the '80s. (Late '80s, to be fair.) A game being “cinematic” isn’t new to me. And the parts of PbtA that are actually new … I just don’t grok the appeal of. As in I don’t like it and I don’t understand what it is people who like it see in it.

    I don’t like Savage Worlds, as an example, but I see what some people enjoy in it. It’s just not for me. I can see what they were going for. I can see how someone might enjoy the outcome of it. I just happen to not like the system. Ditto for GURPS or even D&D: I don’t like it, but I see what the appeal could be.

    With PbtA I don’t understand it enough to even see what it is people like about it. And I can’t find an “explain like I’m five” overview that closes that comprehension gap. All of the intros seem to presume I know what’s appealing and are intent on showing me how to do it. None of them explain the actual appeal, leaving me lost.

    • OrbPonderer@lemmy.world
      2 years ago

      Fair point. Part of it could be I’m younger and a majority of my experience is in 5e. I’ve been branching out lately though, and while I enjoyed PBTA, perhaps I’ll find something that hits that niche better