I don’t make coffee super often… because I’m an absolute heretic and drink Java Monster or Cafe Mocha Soylent and occasionally hate myself… but when I do I want a good cup, something not too bitter or burnt-tasting but with a good flavor.

So I’m looking for something that is… y’know, fancier than Folgers but not exactly Kopi Luak either.

My current go-to is Lavazza Intenso. I just got an aeropress (thanks to all the folks on here who recommended it) and I have a hand burr grinder … somewhere…

So. What should I be trying, assuming I want tasty coffee that isn’t priced like it’s made of gold?

  • BCsven@lemmy.ca
    2 years ago

    My personal favourite is Village Trade by Salt Spring Islands. It has good body, super tasty, and isn’t pretentiously overpriced. We used to get it locally in the stores, but customer support said it is so popular they have trouble supplying everybody.