Another week, another recommendations thread.

Let everyone know below a game (6+ months old), that you have played recently, are currently playing or intend to play soon.

    • Lem
      1 year ago

      I couldn’t really say. There are thing ab X3 that I really missed in X4. I would honestly say to spend some time watching videos ab both games, especially tutorials. If you haven’t played any of the X games, this is the best tit bit I can give to give a sense of the game.

      For x3 they released a bonus dlc/mod that adds ablut half a dozen pieces of equipment and ship upgrades. Just one of those pieces of equipment, a bit of ship software that lets you set up automatic supplying of multiple factories. Also comes with an IRL 47 page instruction manual…

      X3 also got a full fledged free expansion dlc 13 years after its original release.

      I would say start with X3 but that’s purely out of bias.