• no. he’s a genocidal conservative and always has been. the “white moderates” are the ones insisting

    • no one pull support from biden or complicit democrats.
    • the protests be stopped for being disruptive
    • on referring to crime against property as violence
    • on blaming the protestors for injuries and violence occurring when armed police are sent in to shut down their protests
    • on blaming the gazans for using violence to resist occupation and subjugation
    • EstraDoll [she/her]@hexbear.net
      2 months ago

      Even ignoring the genocide (ridiculous statement that should never have to be said) what on earth is he “moderate” about? he’s a dyed in the wool right winger who has to use progressive sounding language for no other reason than that’s his brand and party affiliation.

  • Maoo [none/use name]@hexbear.net
    2 months ago

    Definetely not.

    The white moderate is, per MLK’s description, the person that says they agree and are your ally but that “now is not the right time” and that your methods that create tension are wrong. The white moderate is the person saying to stop protesting and vote but that Palestine should be free.

    Biden is a naked Zionist that believes in the project and funds it directly, including the current genocidal escalation.

    There is certainly tut-tuting but very little of it comes from people that claim anti-Zionism. The only examples I can think if are from ultras and Trots and there are very few of them to begin with. Most of the tut-tuting comes from liberals that justify Zionism.

  • kot [they/them]@hexbear.net
    2 months ago

    In 86, Biden said that if there was no Israel, the US would have to invent one. In the sense that if there was no ongoing colonial project in the middle east, the US would have to make one up to further their geopolitical interests. Biden isn’t a ‘moderate’, he’s a bona fide imperialist dog.

  • Evilphd666 [he/him, comrade/them]@hexbear.net
    2 months ago

    I would never classify Biden as a moderate. He’s always been a right wing Republican in the Senate. He was known as the Senator MBNA and as much as they try to downplay that with the homeboy Scranton bullshit - it never caught on. He wasn’t a Senator from Pennsylvania. He was a Senator from a Delaware Corporation. Bragged openly how corrupt and sellout he was while bragging more about cracking skulls and aggressively demonizig minorities.

    The aparatus around Biden though and this “don’t talk about Bruno” amonst the Democrats are. Bernie is the white Moderate. Pelosi and AOC are the white moderates. Does it really matter if they are white at this point when tou have people like Obama and Jim Clyburn and Secretary Austin and Powell and Condie Rice and Nikki Haley?

    Has the point been driven home yet that tokens are just as - if not more - dangerous because they give minorities a false sense of comfort? Diverse people can be corrupt, greedy, warmongering soul suckers too.