Yesterday, even though I was and still am sick, the 45th issue of The End, the weekly newsletter that shines a light back on audio fiction shows after they’ve reached the finale of a season or the conclusion of the series, was sent to 1,433 inboxes around the world. If your inbox wasn’t one of them, here’s what you missed:

Featured Audio Fiction

These are my personal recommendations for great audio fiction. As with all things in life, YMMV.

😨😱🫨 • Dark Sanctum, a dramatized horror thriller from Mark Ramsey Media LLC & REALM (1 season, 7 episodes | 2h 29m)
🐀👑🐀 • The Rat King, a dramatized urban fantasy thriller from The Shrill Collective (Complete, 1 season, 7 episodes | 4h 25m)

Complete Stories

These shows have reached the end of the entire story so that you can enjoy the whole tale all at once!

💚 🌎 🎭 • Climate Change and Other Small Talk, a dramatized climate fiction show from Sunny Drake & Why Not Theatre (9 episodes | 3h 31m)
😮🚆💀 • The Patron Saint of Suicides, a dramatized crime thriller from Alex Dolan & Realm (3 seasons, 35 episodes | 14h 54m)
😧😭☠️ • The Day Everything Changed, a dramatized sci-fi from Riffage Media (2 seasons, 9 episodes | 2h 44m)
🌹💌🏳️‍🌈 • Greenhouse, a narrated epistolary romcom from Lillian Holman & Atypical Artists (1 season, 19 episodes | 2h 01m)

Season Finales

These shows have reached the end of a season, but more seasons are in the works:

🐺🧚🌊 • Murphy, a dramatized scifi series from Ghostly Muse Productions (1 season, 6 episodes | 5h 31m)
🫣🤔 🙂 • The Four Boys Club, a narrated thriller from Shaurya Arya-Kanojia (1 season, 13 episodes | 1h 48m)
🌲🪶⚡️ • Wrong Turn At Alpine, a dramatized urban fantasy comedy from Melanie DuPuy Media Group (1 season, 7 episodes | 1h 59m)
🌕👻📡 • Modem Prometheus, a narrated urban fantasy series from Namtao (1 season, 12 episodes | 5h 34m)

New Seasons Coming Soon

Get caught up on the prior finished seasons of these shows before they start up again soon!

Season 3 of Tower 4, a dramatized mystery thriller from 7 Lamb Productions, starts on 17 Jul 2023 (9h 58m for Season 2) 🌲🔥📻
Season 2 of Small Victories, a dramatized modern fiction from WGC Productions, starts on 3 Aug 2023 (2h 18m for Season 1) 😗🫣😝
Season 9 of The Strata, a dramatized scifi series from Mark R. Healy, starts on 8 Aug 2023 (22h 10m for Season 8) 🦾🤖👩‍💻

Check out the 45th issue for links to listen, descriptions, artwork, and more at

And have you listened to the companion podcast? It includes trailers, a bit of commentary, and is always short and sweet. Follow along at

That’s it from The End for this week. See you next Friday!

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