To mimic what some did on reddit when the new books got out. Just got my copy of Ragoe of elements and I’ll answer some questions that are in the book.
Got any questions on the lore update or the new class, hit me up!
- Art is fantastic
- kineticist class is as versatile as many hopped
- light armor (maxing at master at 19)
- class DC/attack master at 15 edit: legendary at 19
I heard there’s an Elemental creature template for each element. Curious to know the exact details of them since it’d be relevant for the Zelda bestiary I’m making for PF2e with Fire, Ice, and Electricity monsters as templates.
What are some of your standout feats from Kineticist? Are there new fun elemental spells?
Oh I thought of another one, any fun fluff/only useful for a very specific occasion spells like Personal Rain Cloud
Im not seeing one like that, but there is 6 sections of spells being added so i might have missed it
(pardon the delay, work issues) also markdown hates me (pardon the delay, work issues)
Regular feats
its going to be
- 2nd level Kinetic Activation, its use magic item with your element, even prepare a staff (charges half level)
- 6th level counter element - its counter spell/effect as long as it has your elements reaction, no use limit
- at the 11th level you can change change an impulse to another at prep leading to at 14th being able to swap on a 10 min break
are feats but they are restricted to one you have a gate for
- wood has some decent healing and deals (positive/Vitality
- earth has a way to make you into a walking tank with armor in earth a first level. AC+4 for 1 action that lasts 10 min replacing your light armor (it and other ones that replace armor automatically use your highest armor number)
- burning jet is a 1st level fire that has you “jump” with fire, upgrading at 10th level to being able to leap and not fall, a hover flight (2 actions)
- Magnetic pinions 3 actions from metal… this one im just going to copy in, its also overflow
Small pieces of metal fly from you, propelled with magnetism at great velocity. Make ranged impulse attack rolls against up to three creatures within 60 feet of you; you gain a +1 circumstance bonus to your attack roll against any target wearing metal armor or made of metal. All three attacks count toward your multiple attack penalty, but it doesn’t increase until after all the attacks. The metal pieces deal 1d4 bludgeoning damage and 1d4 piercing damage on a hit (or double damage on a critical hit). Level (+2) Each type of damage increases by 1d4.
The scaling on magnetic pinions seems crazy. 12d4 total damage at (character) level 3? 30d4 at character level 9… this makes Inner Radiance Torrent’s scaling look slow
Are there any feats that are or can easily be flavored to basically setting yourself on fire to damage creature who touch or attack you?
For fire I don’t recall, but the metal impulse focus (get when you expand metal or if you solo it) does electric damage in anyone who touched or does mele dmg
Lore questions? Of course!
- Elemental Lords: Are they still either good or evil with the removal of alignment? I’m not sure if they are making any changes to the edicts/anathema, but some currently evil deities could be played by good characters if not for the alignment restriction, same for the lawful-chaotic axis. Also, we have 4 new Elemental Lords, right? Are they cool?
- Other deities: Are there more/new elemental deities aside from the Elemental Lords?
- Geography: Any cities mentioned in the book? Places where planes meet, forming “quasi planes”? Any ‘weird’ environments mentioned in the planes?
using Hshurha as the example
Edicts revel in formlessness and freedom, humiliate terrestrial creatures, kill foes via falling or hazards from high winds
Anathema deny a flying creature the ability to fly, walk on earth if you could easily travel otherwise Divine Font harm
Divine Sanctification can choose unholy
So still evil… ish since they can only harm and you can be made unholy ie evil, though that is kinda tame for the edicts and anathema, I do see Creatures but nothing is popping out as deities/god
Each plan has a good bit of description of what you can find, problems that are found like “dead air” areas in the air plane that you cant fly or breath in, as well as some cities like Air’s “ARMUN KELISK”. each plane doesnt have a meet as much as a bleed over, floating rocks in the air plane from earth and such. there is a cycle of how the elements consume and balance each other
in general LOTS of lore drop.
Are there any cool archetypes in the book? Apart from the Kineticist multiclass archetype, that is. I always liked the very thematic little scattering of niche archetypes like Living Vessel or Artillerist in all of the new splats.
Sadly not really; 100 instances of the word archetype but most of them are the side bar on the book, gave a little for the 2 that are in there though
Of course you have the Kineticist and its about what you expect, gain channel elements (1 element access) and the elemental blast - though no free blast with a channel, no other bonuses and blast does not auto level. lvl4 gets your class feature of kinesis, lvl8/14/18 a repeatable to up the dmg die of the blast, gain element lvl10, and lvl 12 become expert in the class dc (max for archtype) and your standard set of lvl1 feat getter and 1/2 level feat getter
elementalist is updated and expanded from Secrets of magic, adds in elemental philosophy that gives you more spells for those that match a typing of one of the elements
• Elemental Cycle: Earth, fire, metal, water, wood • Inner Sea Elementalism: Air, earth, fire, water
expands feats that give you a reaction or single action to do something extra when you cast a spell with X trait like burning spell
Ah, pity! The elementalist changes look cool, at least. Thanks for checking!
Much smaller audience here, so I can ask question and not feel like an idiot
What is kenetisist and why are people hyped about it?
The new class, it’s about using one or multiple elements. It’s not a spellcaster with spellslots though, think of it more in line with an Avatar character.
Multiple reasons to be hyped, some folks liked the kineticist from 1e, others want a “spellcaster” that’s not a vancian caster. I just really like the theme of controlling the elements.
It’s also, a pretty cool take on the “Elementalist” concept. By not making it a new full caster class and just adding a bunch of new elemental themed spells they can diferente the class from wizard or druid and let it shine on its own. While also opening up a new play style, the elemental blaster concept is not currently well represented and the Kineticist should theoretically fill that niche.