Not a lawyer, but they’d be sticking their head into the teeth of California’s COVID-19 Prevention Non-Emergency Regulations. This batch took effect in February 2023 and are authorized for the next two years. Don’t know about Oregon.
From the Cal/OSHA Title 8 regulations:
§3205. COVID-19 Prevention. (f) Face coverings. (4) No employer shall prevent any employee from wearing a face covering, including a respirator, when not required by this section, unless it would create a safety hazard.
Not a lawyer, but they’d be sticking their head into the teeth of California’s COVID-19 Prevention Non-Emergency Regulations. This batch took effect in February 2023 and are authorized for the next two years. Don’t know about Oregon.
From the Cal/OSHA Title 8 regulations:
§3205. COVID-19 Prevention. (f) Face coverings. (4) No employer shall prevent any employee from wearing a face covering, including a respirator, when not required by this section, unless it would create a safety hazard.