State attorneys general threaten top US companies with legal action over race-based quotas.

    1 year ago

    A social policy should be “neutral”, but reality is not. So a “neutral” policy is going to be used to hurt minorities. That’s the point of rolling back affirmative action. Hurting minorities.

    You can tell that it’s the full goal here because the white racists are the ones pushing for it. Them, and Clearance Thomas, who is the ultimate case of pulling the ladder up behind himself.

    That’s what racists want you to ignore, that racism in hiring and education admission is alive and well, and that affirmative action is the only thing that was sort of holding it back. (and not doing an amazing job, but it was something).

    Did you know that many schools today, elementary onward, are more segregated than they were in the 1950s? All because white racists decided to route around Brown v Board.

    Colleges and Universities were one of the few educational environments where segregation has been decreasing. But now it’s fair game to ignore the A+ black kid in favor of the C- white kid again.