I’ll be scrolling through lemmy world and occasionally I’ll see comments where a word in them has been replaced with removed. Usually from context it’s early a swear word, normal stuff not slurs.
Is this a lemmy.world censorship thing? A lemmy wide thing? I doubt it has anything to do with my app, unless Jerboa is censoring specific words.
Anyone else experiencing this?
No f***ing way
D***it they got me too
One thing I found out is if you type your lemmy password it censors that too, see: ********************* isn’t that a great feature you should try it
it only works if its your credit card number and password
Nah it doesn’t blank out your credit card number unless it’s followed by cvv number and expiration date - I think it even encrypts it if you enter a 5 digit billing zip code
Doesn’t look like stars to me.
Wow great feature!