Mostly likely the caterpillars of the cabbage white butterfly. They can strip any member of the cabbage/kale family down to the veins over night. The only real prevention is to cover them with a fine mesh so the eggs can’t get laid on there to start with.
Can confirm. Lost three brussel sprout plants to these little fuckers. I have broccoli that I need to plant outside but I’m not doing it until my mesh nets come in. Lesson learned.
Mostly likely the caterpillars of the cabbage white butterfly. They can strip any member of the cabbage/kale family down to the veins over night. The only real prevention is to cover them with a fine mesh so the eggs can’t get laid on there to start with.
Can confirm. Lost three brussel sprout plants to these little fuckers. I have broccoli that I need to plant outside but I’m not doing it until my mesh nets come in. Lesson learned.
Dang. Too late now I guess.
Yep, probably these guys.
Those the the ones! They look so sweet and innocent and pretty, until you grow kale, cabbage, bok choy, etc.