I feel like not enough people appreciate the simple fact that Wikipedia is essentially the most well-organized and complete collection of human knowledge in existence, and furthermore, it’s available to everyone who has access to the internet for free in dozens of languages.

There are tens of thousands of individuals collaborating every hour of every day to collect knowledge and share it with the rest of the world purely out of the desire to document and teach, and millions of people spending hours in the Wikipedia rabbit hole learning about subjects that they would have had no opportunity to without it.

Wikipedia is amazing. It’s the modern Library of Alexandria.

  • venusenvy47@lemm.ee
    2 years ago

    Are the sites with other top level domains like archive.is the same company? I’ve seen requests to donate to various Archive sites but I can tell if they are all the same company.

    • QubaXR@lemmy.world
      2 years ago

      Not sure about these. Archive.org is a depository of free music, videos, books, articles, games and many other cultural artifacts at risk of getting lost to time. One of their coolest projects is the Wayback Machine which backs up pretty much entire Internet. Want to see what first version of Amazon looked like, or browse an obscure geocities page no longer available? Yup, they most likely have it backed up.