Asking because every time I tried to play a villain game, as in, the players are the villains, it devolved basically into a murder-hobo fiesta. And that might be ok, and is fun sometimes, but just not my cup of tea, especially for a long-haul campaign. Have any of you ever had a good experience with villain campaigns? How did it go?

    2 years ago

    Have the party play as the BBEG henchmen. Let’s them swim in the evil end of the pool, while still corralling them with consequences for their actions.

    Works much better if the BBEG is one who works from the shadows. Which should alleviate the temptation to be murder-hobos.

    Final session is the apprentices turn against their master, then a PvP brawl to determine who the next BBEG is. Then put them as the BBEG for your next campaign.