Both my kids are sick. Both have colds. My eldest has a recurrence of pinworm that didn’t show it’s head until 11pm last night and ultimately resulted in me sleeping (badly) on her floor. Then, as we finally pull away from the hovel of disease that is our house, my drivers side front coil spring snaps and hey presto, we no longer have a drivable car.

So, what’s your worst holiday experience?

    1 year ago

    As a child, it had to be the last day on holiday in Corfu. We hired a boat and went to a small island. I, knowing best, refused to wear my jelly shoes in the water. Promptly stood on a sea urchin. Being the last day, my parents decided it would be better to fly home and go straight to A&E from the airport to get the spines tweezed out of the sole of my foot.

    Ohh, or that time when we went to America, and I wandered out of my depth in the public swimming pool, panicked and started to drown. Thankfully, people noticed and I was rescued! Ambulance came, but luckily I was alright, and didn’t need any treatment.

    As an adult, definitely Egypt. Both me and my partner had food poisoning pretty much from day one. That, and the normal stories of leering locals and attempted scams that you always hear about. The sea was amazing though - almost worth the two weeks of a dodgy tummy!

    1 year ago

    I was a kid and that year my birthday fell on Thanksgiving. The big plan was to go out to see the St. Louis Blues play (when Wayne Gretzky was playing!). Well my 2 year older brother had a meltdown how I wasn’t worthy of bring along and he should go. My asshole dad, who never liked me, did just that. He took my brother, on my birthday, to see hockey’s greatest player.

    I don’t talk to either of them for unrelated reasons but that was a shit birthday.

      1 year ago

      Ah, a confused USA person. In this British context, holiday = what you would call a vacation ;)

      But also that does sound like a shit birthday you have my sympathies.