The disgraceful Supreme Court justice should be held accountable for his actions but probably won’t.

    1 year ago

    Cause he’s doing his job well and accurately, according to the text of the constitution itself?

    You know that thing the left likes to pretend doesn’t exist?

      1 year ago

      Speaking of not thinking the Constitution exists:

      Trump should not be able to run for president based on the disqualification clause of the 14th amendment because of the insurrection.

      Fourteenth Amendment, Section 3: “No person shall be a Senator or Representative in Congress, or elector of President and Vice-President, or hold any office, civil or military, under the United States, or under any state, who, having previously taken an oath, as a member of Congress, or as an officer of the United States, or as a member of any State legislature, or as an executive or judicial officer of any State, to support the Constitution of the United States, shall have engaged in insurrection or rebellion against the same, or given aid or comfort to the enemies thereof But Congress may by a vote of two-thirds of each House, remove such disability.”

      Other things of note: 'In early 2016, Trump again had gutting the First Amendment in view, this time wanting to “open up the libel laws” to infringe on the freedom of the press. That summer, he vowed to protect articles of the Constitution that do not exist. In 2017, he said constitutional checks and balances that required him to share power with Congress are a “very rough” and “archaic” system, which is “a really bad thing for the country.” That fall, he said asserting Fifth Amendment rights is proof of guilt. In 2018, he floated unilaterally ending birthright citizenship in violation of the 14th Amendment.

      In 2019, Trump repeatedly claimed Article II of the Constitution gave him “the right to do whatever I want.” The same year, he argued he should be able to abuse national emergency declarations to expand his own power beyond constitutional boundaries because Democrats would do the same thing if given the chance. In 2020, he reportedly expressed interest in declaring martial law though the constitutional preconditions for it, per Ex parte Milligan (1866), had not been met. And just last month, he called for executing drug dealers after a two-hour trial modeled on communist China’s justice system, a blatant rejection of constitutional due process. By the standard of many of his Republican supporters, even Trump’s record on the Second Amendment falls short."

          1 year ago

          I’m removing this comment because you’ve been reported for trolling.

          Be aware that every member of the mod team has brought up your name and the word “ban” in the same sentence, especially for your behavior in other magazines.

          I defended you and said no - let’s not judge their actions for other parts of the Fediverse. That’s how you become r/pyongyang. But when your behavior in this magazine earns reports from other members of the community, we will act on them.

          You have a choice right now: you are in full control of your actions to participate in this community by not antagonizing or trolling. Nobody is asking you for ideological agreement, just that you don’t spend all your free energy here trying to get a reaction out of others.

          I hope you make the right choice.

              1 year ago

              It takes a real special kind of someone to hear “I defended you against being banned” as “we only permit one type of opinion in this magazine.”

              We welcome a diversity of perspectives for civil discussion. You are aware that you are skirting civility with your words. Especially your penultimate sentence which is easy to interpret as transphobic. We have a zero tolerance policy for bigotry, so you’ve made your choice to no longer participate here. Congrats.

    1 year ago

    Because right-wingers are EXTREMELY, overwhelmingly, almost unanimously corrupt. They would never punish one of their own, no matter heinous, unethical, or repugnant the crime. They know that if they do not all stick together lock-step no matter what, their illegitimately stolen power will fall apart like used wet toiletpaper.

      1 year ago

      left wingers are any better? I got one for you, the state is neither, it has both parties in it and only two parties. it is corrupt, rub two brain cells to together to arrive at a conclusion outside of the left/right framework. I know it is hard but work on it.

      like why are you even make this left right when most of us are the bottom?

        1 year ago

        it is corrupt, rub two brain cells to together to arrive at a conclusion outside of the left/right framework.

        Weird that 1/2 of this framework, the D group, always votes against gigantic tax cuts for the rich, and the R group always votes for the exact opposite. Both sides are the same opposite of each other.

        like why are you even make this left right when most of us are the bottom?

        Because if you are at the bottom, you would be an extreme fool to vote for the party that consistently gives gigantic tax cuts to billionaires.

          1 year ago

          reality check… Trump’s tax cuts passed.

          Biden could not get student loans done… Obama could not get health done properly…

          Trump spend trillions on covid “bail outs” Biden came in did and the same…

          What did you get from Democrats having both house and presidency, limp dick student loan reform that added USD 1T to on the genY and GenZ?

          The cope here is too strong today lol

            1 year ago

            Low education take.

            Joe Biden accomplishments as President:

            2020: Elected President, defeating Donald Trump in the Electoral College 306 to 232, with a popular vote margin of more than 7 million votes.

            2021: Directed USA to rejoin Paris Climate Agreement.

            2021: Halted the Keystone XL pipeline.

            2021: Repealed Trump’s travel bans.

            2021: Repealed Trump’s transgender military ban.

            2021: Ordered an additional 200 million doses of COVID-19 vaccine.

            2021: Pledged $4 billion to COVAX global vaccine alliance.

            2021: Signed $1.9 trillion American Rescue Plan into law. It includes:

            Small business support. $1,400 per person checks. Increases to the Child Tax Credit, Earned-Income Tax Credit, and Child and Dependent Care Tax Credits. $300 extended unemployment insurance. Lower health insurance premiums for lower- and middle-income families enrolled in health insurance marketplaces.

            2021: Canceled $1.5 billion in student debt for victims of for-profit school fraud.

            2021: Ended the War in Afghanistan after 20 years.

            2021: Negotiated and signed the bipartisan Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act into law. It includes:

            $110 billion for roads, bridges, and major projects
            $73 billion for power infrastructure
            $66 billion for passenger and freight rail
            $65 billion for broadband
            $55 billion for clean drinking water
            $50 billion for water resilience and Western water storage
            $39 billion for public transit
            $25 billion for airports
            $21 billion for removal of pollution from water and soil
            $17 billion for port infrastructure
            $7.5 billion for electric vehicles
            $7.5 billion for zero/low emission busses and ferries
            $1 billion for the revitalization of communities

            2021: U.S. gross domestic product grew at 5.7 percent for the year, the strongest economic growth in 37 years.

            2021: Favorability of the United States improved sharply around the world.

            2022: Approved a U.S. special forces mission that killed ISIS leader Ibrahim al-Hashimi al-Qurayshi.

            2022: Nominated Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson to become the first Black woman in history to sit on the Supreme Court of the United States.

            2022: Signed the Reauthorization of the Violence Against Women Act (VAWA).

            2022: Led a massive international response to Vladimir Putin’s invasion of Ukraine.

            2022: Signed the first major gun safety legislation passed by Congress in nearly 30 years.

            2022: Ordered the drone strike that killed Ayman al-Zawahiri, mastermind of the September 11, 2001 attacks on the United States and the world’s most wanted terrorist.

            2022: Unemployment falls to 3.5 percent, matching the lowest rate in 50 years.

            2022: Signed the CHIPS and Science Act into law, providing $52.7 billion for chip manufacturing and research and $170 billion for scientific research, innovation, and space exploration.

            2022: Signed ratification documents approving NATO membership for Finland and Sweden, strengthening the NATO alliance and reinforcing democracy in the face of Russian brutality against Ukraine.

            2022: Signed PACT Act strengthening health care and benefits for America’s veterans and their survivors.

            2022: Signed the Inflation Reduction Act into law. It includes $369 billion to provide energy security, fight climate change, and create clean domestic manufacturing jobs. It also lowers healthcare costs by extending Affordable Care Act subsidies for 3 years, expanding vaccine coverage, and reforming prescription drug pricing. The act also raises revenue by establishing a 15% corporate minimum tax on companies with at least $1 billion in profits. Through revenue and savings, the Inflation Reduction Act reduces the deficit by a net $305 billion dollars.

            2022: Less than 2 years into his presidency, Biden is already one of the most legislatively successful presidents of the modern era.

            2022: Thanks to a Biden executive order, hearing aids become available over the counter without a prescription, lowering costs by up to $3,000 per pair for 30 million Americans.

            2022: Led the Democratic Party to the best midterm election performance of either party since 1934.

            2022: Signed legislation to avoid a potentially catastrophic rail strike after brokering a deal approved by 8 of 12 railway unions, raising workers’ wages by 24%, increasing health care benefits, and preserving two-person crews.

            2022: Approved a deal to bring WNBA star Brittney Griner home after 10 months of wrongful detention in Russia.

            2022: Signed the Respect for Marriage Act into law, ensuring federal recognition of marriage regardless of sex, race, ethnicity, or national origin, ten years after publicly declaring his support of same-sex marriage on Meet the Press.

            2023: Forced congressional Republicans to swear off Medicare and Social Security cuts on live television while delivering his State of the Union Address.

            2023: Took a 10-hour train trip, each way, through war-torn Ukraine to meet President Volodymyr Zelenskyy in Kyiv and reconfirm U.S. support for Ukraine’s fight against Russian dictator Vladimir Putin’s criminal aggression.

            2023: Signed an executive order greatly expanding access to long-term care and child care.

            2023: Mounted a major diplomatic effort that got Turkey to agree to admit Sweden into NATO, making that alliance stronger than it has ever been.

            2023: Announced $39 billion in student debt relief for 804,000 borrowers.

          1 year ago

          Have you made any points that are actually debatable or are you just shit posting and crying about the community (and reality) leaning left?

            1 year ago

            We can discuss points if you want, I mean any time I post any in here it’s just downvoted in the hundreds though

            So I don’t really think this is the place for any real discussion. Just another echo chamber probably full of bots

                1 year ago

                You don’t at all question how unlikely it is that a community named ‘politics’ can have such a homogenous point of view as this one without some kind of bullshit being involved?

                Every post is from a liberal-positive perspective, every comment even slightly right is downvoted to oblivion and shouted down immediately. This isn’t natural.

                By the amount of downvotes my posts here receive, it would basically need to be that every single person online decided to downvote my comment.

                You think that’s just natural? You think it’s because you’re sooooooooo right and I’m sooooooo wrong?

                Gotta think about it a little bit more, I think

                  1 year ago

                  You think it’s odd that the overwhelming majority of folks support things that help others? Doesn’t say much about the community but definitely says a lot about you.

        1 year ago

        Because one of the parties is better for lifting people up. Like, immeasurably better.

        I won’t even say which one I think it is. You can decide for yourself.

          1 year ago

          show me these people who have been lifted up?

          statistics point towards largely more poor people, worse health, more debt, less home ownership. who was lifted up and when?

                1 year ago

                You’ve never heard of social security, Medicare, Medicaid, food stamps, housing opportunities, mental health services, food banks, soup kitchens, etc etc etc

                Like Jesus Christ with that comment. How fucking stupid are conservatives? Go hit your head with a hammer and see if it helps. Seemingly it couldn’t hurt.

              1 year ago

              Just look at the amount of people living in poverty in the 40’s and early 50’s, then the democrats started the “war on poverty” and started these programs and 70 years later, the number of people living in poverty has continued to rise

              Just look at the number of people living in poverty those stats aren’t hard to find.

              More people are living in poverty in the US today than they were 70 years ago

              You’d think after 20+ trillion dollars spent, the record on poverty would be much much better