And yet notice how these articles are all focused on Taylor Swift. After all, the owners can’t let articles point out their privilege and class disparity.
Well, she’s the one currently making a big fuss about people tracking her, so why wouldn’t they be focused on her? And what class disparity? They’re all billionaires, including Swift.
If you’re going to make this into persecution porn so you can be outraged, why don’t you head back to Twitter and spare the Fediverse? We both know what point you think you’re making, and it’s stupid as fuck considering the situation.
And yet notice how these articles are all focused on Taylor Swift. After all, the owners can’t let articles point out their privilege and class disparity.
Well, she’s the one currently making a big fuss about people tracking her, so why wouldn’t they be focused on her? And what class disparity? They’re all billionaires, including Swift.
Swift is helping bring down live nation/ticketmaster… So there’s that too
There’s no such thing as an ethical billionaire
TayTay throws more scraps to the people she’s stepped on to make her billion then most.
That seems to be true but it doesn’t change the previous statement
Unrelated, I see you around occasionally and your username always makes me irrationally happy, I blame my inner 13 year old. 🤣
lol, PItbull “won” the air travel top spot last year and you don’t hear shit from him about being tracked.
to be fair, that would involve discussing him in any way, which is best avoided
T Swift: 1.1 billion
Elon: 197.3 billion
I wonder which one of these people more powerful and has more influence?
If you’re going to make this into persecution porn so you can be outraged, why don’t you head back to Twitter and spare the Fediverse? We both know what point you think you’re making, and it’s stupid as fuck considering the situation.
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