Seems like time and time again, Nintendo is always trying to sell games to an audience of people who do not wish to play video games. For a sequel, I figured Nintendo should focus on their core audience of Pikmin fans but it seems like they’re always changing things to appeal to people who don’t play games while in return alienating the people who want more sophisticated gameplay and challenges.
What are your thoughts?
It feels like these games are just marketed to people who already know what Pikmin is. They’ve put 4 out at an absolutely dreadful time too… The average player is still chugging through TOTK!
Tears of the Kingdom is going to last me until the end of the year. I’m taking as long as I need to finish it. Especially since I just found a damn colosseum in the depths where I have to fight 4 God damn Lynels. God I hate those guys lol
(Psst… it’s actually 5 lynels…good luck 😉)
U fight 5 in a row? Wtf?
Yep! The last one is a cracked out one with rock armor. Strong boi
I hVe a hard enough time with 1 lynel. I don’t think I could survive 5 even with a full inventory of potions.
I will say, it makes a checkpoint after each one you kill, so you dont have to restart from the beginning or anything if you die. And your teammates can help. I especially loved when the little bird dude would shoot them in the face and cause them to fall down. I abused the mechanic where you can ride them and stab them in the back a bunch if they fall down, b/c they’re tough otherwise.
I didn’t know u could do that. Will have to try it next time.
@Nintendianajones64 @steve228uk it’s a hard challenge if you aren’t prepared lol, I had to use every trick I had to beat it. You do get majoras mask though which is worthwhile.
I’ve not even found a Lynel in that game yet!