Mlem makes me miss Apollo for Reddit lol.
This app seems wonderful. It’s fast and clean, all I could ask for. Similar to Apollo.
What else did you try? Heard good things about Memmy as well
I for one can say I actually prefer Memmy. I think the themes look better and it functions a little smoother. I’m sure Mlem will be good though, it just seems earlier on in development.
Haha yeah we’re definitely the “slow and steady” team on this one. Memmy is done in react-native, which, as the app very effectively demonstrates, is a fantastic framework for getting a smooth app out to market fast. We’re using SwiftUI, which has the advantage of being the native iOS framework–it’s more powerful and integrates better with the platform, but at the cost of being slower to develop in.
I can’t wait to see it fully developed. I still pop in on the beta on TestFlight from time to time.
Really appreciate the native approach! Came from Memmy and Mlem feels really smooth and Apollo like 👍
I tried both and they both have their strengths and weaknesses. Both are far from complete so it’ll be interesting to see how they develop.
That being said, long term my money is on Mlem over Memmy simply because Mlem is a native iOS app written in Swift and Memmy is made using React Native. In the end you can never beat the quality of a native app using a cross-platform toolkit.
I’m just happy about the competition. At the end it’s us the users who benefit.
I couldn’t figure out how to save comments in Memmy so I picked up Mlem
Just Mlem atm, looking to try others.
Memmy is by far the closest to Apollo. Highly recommend
Using it right now, absolutely. I like it too.
If you’re looking for something very similar to apollo is basically as close to a 1:1 clone as it gets
You’re not kidding at all it’s literally Apollo lol
Thunder and Lemmios are great aswell.
I’ll take a look, thank you!
A lot are going for the Apollo look. Memmy and voyager are doing it the best right now in my opinion. Lemmios as well.
I’m on Memmy right now. Voyager I would like the most but being a web app it’s rather janky.
A native Voyager app is coming! And it sounds like it’s relatively close too
I’m also excited to announce that the next major focus will be on releasing Voyager as an iOS app! This will fix various iOS bugs that we’ve encountered (white status bar, scroll “freezing” etc), and bring some nice functionality like haptics and tapping the status bar to scroll to top, and also improve onboarding for people that aren’t familiar with Progressive Webapps. It also opens the possibility for other neat features, like the option to open links in your browser instead of in-app. You can see most of the work done in #410, to be merged shortly!
Happy to hear this!