Three plaintiffs testified about the trauma they experienced carrying nonviable pregnancies.

  • MasterOBee Master/
    2 years ago

    Let’s play out this example - your 2 year old niece is sick, and so are you.

    My actions didn’t bring her into this world. That’s a huge difference.

    But in your current state, the transplant is very risky

    I agree there should always be exceptions for cases like these.

    I don’t agree with your belief that a potential life is the same as a life, but let’s set that aside - I can respect that as a belief

    You see it as a potential life, I see it as a whole life. I thank you for understanding that it’s reasonable one might have this believe.

    Should you be able to force someone to risk their own for someone else?

    See my response above.

    There’s always at least some risk of pregnancy turning fatal for the mother. How much danger do you have to be in for the math to check out?

    In law there’s a lot of ‘reasonable’ language - would a reasonable person think this is a likely event. In general, pregnancies aren’t life risking to mothers.

    And also, to what point should politicians with little understanding of medicine be able to deny you care?

    If I brought in my twin brother to a doctors office and said ‘hey, this guy is really making me sick, can you kill him for me?’ I think a reasonable law maker can determine whether that’s right or wrong. To some people, there’s no difference between the life of you and I, and a fetus.

      2 years ago

      You saying that you don’t bring your niece into this world sounds a lot like the responsibility argument, aka “you had sex and got pregnancy and this is your consequence or punishment”. You really seemed to side step the entire analogy by saying you aren’t the parent. Neither exceptions nor saying that you believe every fetus is the same as a fully formed human answer the question.

      How would you feel and react if the government forced you until a dangerous medical procedure to potentially save the life of someone else? Please, don’t side step again. Please, don’t give me “it’s not my fault they’re here, they had sex, therefore they have to do it”. Please, don’t give me “but I think the fetus has rights too”. How would you feel?

      • MasterOBee Master/
        2 years ago

        “you had sex and got pregnancy and this is your consequence or punishment”

        If an individual does the only action that would cause a human life to be created, I don’t think they get to kill that being just because it’s inconvenient. It’s about preserving a human life, not about punishment.

        You really seemed to side step the entire analogy by saying you aren’t the parent.

        I showed how your hypothetical and where it doesn’t apply. If you’d like to use a different hypothetical, I’m fine with that. Why not use my child? If I have a 1 day old child, is it my responsibility to make sure my baby is fed and doesn’t die of starvation?

        How would you feel and react if the government forced you until a dangerous medical procedure to potentially save the life of someone else?

        If that’s the only information about the situation that I have, I wouldn’t like it.

        If you instead word the same exact situation like ‘do you have a responsibility to your child to keep them alive’ I would say yes.

          2 years ago

          If that child, really fetus, is inside your body, no, I don’t think you have to continue letting the fetus use your body. Because that’s what it is. No one would force a woman to breastfeed. No one would say you legally have to use your boobs no matter what to feed this child. That’s what being pregnant is.

          And no, you are continually side stepping and not telling me how you’d feel. How would you feel?

          • MasterOBee Master/
            2 years ago

            If that child, really fetus, is inside your body, no, I don’t think you have to continue letting the fetus use your body. Because that’s what it is. No one would force a woman to breastfeed. No one would say you legally have to use your boobs no matter what to feed this child. That’s what being pregnant is.

            You’re talking about me avoiding questions, which I answered already, but you ignored mine: If I have a 1 day old child, is it my responsibility to make sure my baby is fed and doesn’t die of starvation?

            And no, you are continually side stepping and not telling me how you’d feel. How would you feel?

            I answered that above, if you want me to expand on it I can, but I did answer it. I said:

            If that’s the only information about the situation that I have, I wouldn’t like it. If you instead word the same exact situation like ‘do you have a responsibility to your child to keep them alive’ I would say yes.

              2 years ago

              Not one of your sentences began with “I would feel”, contained the word “feeling”, or mentioned any emotion. I asked how would you feel.

              Yes, you do have a responsibility to feed and care for a child. Do you have a responsibility to use your body to do so? No. Do we have laws requiring women to breastfeed? No. Are people arguing for such laws? No. That’s the equivalency of pregnancy. Not are you required to keep your kid alive. But are you required to use your body to do so. Everyone would think it’s a violation of bodily autonomy to require breastfeeding. Requiring continuation of pregnancy is no difference.