No, stop spreading this nonsense, it was never chosen because of that. It was used because it was free and the developers don’t care about creating funny names with the DNS or for glorified expensive DNS.
The official and authorized use for the TLD is an association with Mali. It doesn’t matter what hip new meaning us internet dweebs want to assign to it.
but ML also can stand for Marxist Leninist and im sure has been the the way it was read by most early adopters
I feel like after weeks of wondering why .ml, I should’ve figured this out by myself… Beware, sleep deficit is real!
No, stop spreading this nonsense, it was never chosen because of that. It was used because it was free and the developers don’t care about creating funny names with the DNS or for glorified expensive DNS.
deleted by creator
Hey, that is me from the past.
The official and authorized use for the TLD is an association with Mali. It doesn’t matter what hip new meaning us internet dweebs want to assign to it.
Kinda funny considering they got the ml domain to mean Marxist-Leninist and then would get fucked by nationalization
I was thinking the same thing lol
They didn’t.
Yes, and q-tips aren’t for cleaning your ears.
That’s why I buy store brand cotton swabs
The difference being that Unilever won’t confiscate your Q-Tips for cleaning out your earwax.
lmao, sure, the ear wax cops are gonna show up at your door to raid your garbage cans for waxy cotton swabs
I have a cat that does this already… maybe I’ll get her a lil cop outfit (that she would literally kill me before wearing)
Or machine learning. There’s at least one ML based project that got a headache out of this yesterday.