- It Hurts When IP
- Lord Of The Pings
- WAN King
- You’re My WiFi Now Dave
As a Star Wars nerd, I’ve always liked Obi-WAN Kenobi and LANdo Calrissian.
It Herz when IP has always been my fav
8 hz WAN IP
I once saw a network that was named “that’s what she ssid”
Department 13
In cyrrillic.
There was an “FBI Van” in the apartment van and I thought going with the KGB assassination team would be amusing.
Unfortunately, nobody got it.
Pfizer BioNTech chip ultra 5G has been the name of mobile hotspot for more than a year now, and to say the least, I am very pleased.
I’ve been mostly content myself with a simple CovidAntenna
I used to call my mobile hotspot virus.exe to prevent strangers trying to connect. Do the same with bluetooth devices that broadcast (like my tv). Neighbors stopped trying to connect after it was called virus.exe
My first wifi network post-college was “viruses_and_goat_porn”.
It still didn’t stop free loaders….but in their defense, there were no viruses. 👀🐐
Aren’t you supposed to set a password on your mobile hotspot so strangers dont connect?
Human wireless network
FreE KAnDy
My Hotspot is named NoMaleware
One of mine is called “download virus” to stop my neighbours accidentally trying to connect.
“Martin Router King”
Best ones I’ve heard of were 3 named: FBI Surveillance Van #1
FBI Surveillance Van #2
FBI Surveillance Van #4
The Ping of the North
I’ve seen a lot of “Free Wifi” networks that are open to the public with bad encryption. Most likely set up by people who want to spy on where people go and steal their cookies.
Mine are: DoesThisRouterHaveASoul EmergencyInductionRouter - guest network
Emergency induction straw. I mean port.
(╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻
It crashed some devices when they scan for WiFi networks (both Linux’s network-manager and a Canon Printer at least)
I’ve used a similar one before.
(\/) ( ;,; ) (\/)
Well, NetMan is an abhorrent piece of shit anyway. It’s so bad, I’m sure Lennart wrote parts.
FBI Van #5
Martin Router King
Mine used to be Martin Router Ping.