"How could the Pentagon do something bad!?!?!? thonk-cri "

  • EmoThugInMyPhase [he/him]@hexbear.net
    4 months ago

    African leaders cited the west’s refusal to assist with vaccines without a plethora of strings attached as one of the reasons why they pivoted to China and Russia. Liberals will call the move “cynical and self serving,” but who gives a shit? Lives were saved with little to no cost. That’s all that matters to anyone who doesn’t make $150k writing papers about genocidal drones in DC

    What a shocking revelation. And of course, as we all recall, Biden stepped into a completely smooth transition of power with no clusterfuck of dysfunction whatsoever, so we should make sure he sounds just as bad and responsible. extreme /s

    I’ll /slit your god damn throat. This is a fucking president of “the most powerful country in the world,” and you can’t control your own institutions after 4 years? How can Trump command the entire military to do a disinformation campaign and yet Biden is too weak to stop it? Why should I vote for a fucker whose soldiers and workers won’t even listen to him (if we’re to believe Wittle Bidey is too smol and weak)?

    I love that all these losers act like this is the first time the US has trafficked anti vax. The US has down so much shit to undermine trust in science and medicine. From MKULTRA, Tuskegee, fake vaccines to collect DNA to find bin Laden, CIA fronts disguised as humanitarian organizations, capitalist pillaging of workers’ earnings for subpar treatment (if any, at all) with the government’s protection, food being filled with lead and cancerous chemicals, baby formula full of lead and cancerous chemicals, baby equipment with lethally defective quality control, pushing everyone back to work during a pandemic, trafficking drugs on behalf of the cartels, refusing to donate vaccines or making them patent free, downplaying climate change and funding the stupidest “solutions”. These freaks think DRUMPF caused this and that it’s a one time occurrence, when in reality it’s another chapter in the long list of capitalism perpetuating anti science.

    • GrouchyGrouse [he/him]@hexbear.net
      4 months ago

      The entire time Trump was Trumping around being a racist dipshit showboat they said “at least the institutions will curtail him” while those institutions just continued being awful but with an added layer of orange paint. Libs are so historically illiterate to as be malicious.