CS degree is kinda useless, right? I haven’t slept the whole night applying and thinking about this…

  • Gorb [they/them]@hexbear.net
    18 days ago

    The only sector thats hiring and growing is data science/data engineering. Its the grift i hopped on after my last company axed like 90% of the staff and so far its showing no signs of slowing down.

    If you can do sql and python its definitely something to look at since the field is occupied entirely by head in the clouds nincompoops who shouldn’t be allowed near a computer so looking better than the competition should be easier.

    I can’t really say anything for anywhere outside the UK though I’m only familiar with the job market here but machine learning ai bollocks is global.

    Oh and make sure to lie, like lots of lies its what i do when applying for jobs. I’ve only ever been caught out once