Thankfully, Wal-Mart is too fricking cheap to permanently implement something like that. They can’t even keep a stack of handbaskets by the door without all of them getting stolen within a month and take years to replace them, electronic price tags are getting broken and unusable near instantly.
You can break the shelf tag, or it can get broken through use and just never be replaced but it won’t change that the POS system will constantly have its prices at the register (potentially) changed daily/hourly.
A question that might be important though, “Do customers shop based on the price they see on the shelf?” If I want a bag of apples and there isn’t a price tag near enough to the bag of apples that I can tell how much the bag of apples cost, will I still try to buy a bag of apples?
Amazing they didn’t do that earlier. In Rio de Janeiro there’s a vegetables store chain that use that since years ago.
with God’s help we will one day catch up technologically with brazil
I suggest you start with clay filter, trio elétrico, and learning some gambiarras,
Some day all people with shower with electric heaters connected directly to solar panels. For now, we can only pity them (my energy come from hydro I guess, so it’s water being heated by otther water))
some brands of coke machines have had surge pricing ability for at least 30 years. I was told it was usually used to raise prices in between class periods in school machines but none of the ones I ever programmed used the feature just flat rates.
Conservatives when no one takes their guns: “I WILL NOT COMPLY!!!”
Conservatives when food prices increase: “I’m going go keep rewarding these companies and then complain when someone rebels”
Capitalism breeds innovation
maybe someone will innovate a tiny little device I can touch against one of these things and kill it
Theres a tiny little device called screwdriver that may do the trick
I would shoplift the fuck out of those things and then never get around to reverse engineering them.
Depending on how they’d be mounted to the shelves, small lock jaw pliers could easily be pocketed/palmed and may be small enough to slip one side of the jaws behind the display. Then its just a squeeze to crack the display.
Signal jammer if it’s controlled remotely and centrally
Short circuiting if it’s independent. Like a taser.
electronic price tags are pretty common in German supermarkets already.