Of course workshy scroungers, who live off of other people’s hard work, will only want to spend other peoples money.
Ask them how they feel about poor people doing the exact same thing with government money and you’ll soon find out that they were just bullshitting you to justify their greed and exploitation all along.
Youre thinking of social Darwinism, not evolution.
Its not just tankie who ignore them. Its also anyone who knows anything about evolution, as things like chiefs and kings only started happening a blink of an eye ago (in evolutionary terms) we can ignore things like chiefs and kings completely.
However, our collectivism, mutual aid and cooperation is what set us so far apart from our competitors.
Is there not a saying about this, I forget the direct one…
How would you push back against these, I know many working class people are born hearing them, as well as people starting their own businesses…
Here are some similar ones though:
“Never use your own money when you can spend someone else’s.”
— Ken Follett
[Picture below says: ‘First Rule of Money: Never use your own.’]
Of course workshy scroungers, who live off of other people’s hard work, will only want to spend other peoples money.
Ask them how they feel about poor people doing the exact same thing with government money and you’ll soon find out that they were just bullshitting you to justify their greed and exploitation all along.
that’s nice and all, but if you have more than 10 million i feel that doesn’t make sense any more.
What if you want a jet that costs 20 million? Think about it bro
Bro, my jet cost 21 million. The bathroom has a digital laser guided dick length measurement system.
That may be true, but that is the logic that is pushed on us since our birth as well as by the ‘job creators’.
It seems to be the norm or also known as the status quo thinking, so that we may achieve the ‘American dream’.
The tankies will argue that evolution favors collectivism but that ignores chiefs and kings.
Communism vs Feudalism vs. indigenous leaders (chieftains) vs Monoarchy vs. Oligarchy
Chieftains would be closer to a commune, but they would have a set of chiefs that form ‘a tribal chiefs’ council.’
Source: https://www.britannica.com/topic/chief-political-leader
Youre thinking of social Darwinism, not evolution.
Its not just tankie who ignore them. Its also anyone who knows anything about evolution, as things like chiefs and kings only started happening a blink of an eye ago (in evolutionary terms) we can ignore things like chiefs and kings completely.
However, our collectivism, mutual aid and cooperation is what set us so far apart from our competitors.