It’s just super frustrating seeing people who are supposedly my brothers and sisters, who I’ve been there to the hilt, who know that my partner is struggling, who know that I’m terrified. We’ve gone through the science and racial and class inequalities together and they’ve voiced how they should mask a hundred times. And then they come to meet me IRL totally fucking unmasked, without even a fucking apology.

Well, if you’re “back to normal”, I’ll sit and watch you eat outside, but I’m not taking my mask off in front of you. I’ll wait till you finish your meal, and I’ll head home early. If I’ve complained about no masking two times already, you heard it enough, I’m not going to complain again.

Am I overreacting?

Edit: for those of griping that you’re not allowed to do COVID minimisation in this comm. These would be valid answer:

  • Maybe your friend forgot
  • Maybe your friend was tired
  • Maybe your friend was hung over
  • Your friend made a mistake but you should forgive him
  • I’m not yet fully covid conscious, but I’m trying
  • We can’t all be perfect. Hopefully they do better next time.

Not acceptable:

  • Oh here’s a tidbit about masks that’s been disproven in the science literature 10x already
  • Oh the chuds and libs aren’t masking, and I feel peer pressured
  • Ildsaye [they/them]
    3 months ago

    Disability solidarity defines the left just as surely as Palestine solidarity or trans solidarity. Unchecked covid will make everyone disabled over time, and unchecked health chauvinism will make it easier to forget those who drop out of public life, whether by developing debilitating long covid conditions (acknowledged as such or not), or by adopting lonely precautions, or both.

    Also masking makes it less simple for cops and cameras to ID you, and can be an accessible and immediate source of relief for trans people who want to conceal unwanted puberty effects on their face. The more people stubbornly mask, the more cover is offered to the most exposed and vulnerable, along multiple intersections.

    When you wear a mask, you’re wearing communism. When you refuse to wear a mask, you’re wearing the emperor’s new clothes point-and-laugh-1point-and-laugh-2