It really just seems like fearmongering about things most marginalized people go through everyday. Is it just the same” old things will continue to get worse as a result of everything infinitely growing” that’s been happening since the US was founded? I saw some goon from the heritage foundation go on tv and threaten leftists but idk if it has crazy uncle energy or whether that’s something someone with actual power is thinking

  • CommunistCuddlefish [she/her]
    3 months ago

    What I think about Project 2025: It’s obviously bad and it is grounds for fedposting the entire Republican Party. It’s also not at all new. If it gets “defeated” this election cycle it’ll become Project 2030.

    What I think about the discourse around Project 2025: I only see privileged white libs being scared about it and that is because American Fascism is new to them. They’re a little afraid of fascism starting here. The rest of us know that fascism is already here and have been burned by it. I am not any more scared of Project 2025 than I am of the fascism that has already so dramatically damaged my family. They want us to

    I’ll admit, I kind of like seeing White libs scared by this. They turned a deaf ear to the plight of marginalized groups for so long. We begged them to help us and they refused. I like that they are feeling scared now. I like that they feel the same sense of powerlessness and doom they were ok subjecting us to.

    It is very telling that the White Liberal solution to Project 2025 is to badger people of color until we vote for the genocidal racist rapist mass-murdering cop-loving capitalist fascist shitstain who represents everything about the establishment that we hate. It’s very telling that they support fascism when it’s only done to us and only worry about fascism when it might affect them too. I like it when they get upset at me for refusing to embrace their solution of embracing fascism. I like watching them throw temper tantrums when I tell them no, it’s good that they are finally beginning to see that there’s a problem, but they are too selfish, immature, and new to staring down the barrel of oppressors’ guns to be allowed to lead. If they want us to save them from fascism then they’re going to have to bend the knee, get in line, and contribute to our antifascist solutions which seek collective liberation, not demand that we contribute to their fascist solutions which will only serve White people.