Not an American, but I just noticed that the election day is on the 5th of November. Given the similarities between Trump and the chancellor, it seems like a good opportunity to remind people what is coming if they vote for Trump.

For those who haven’t watched V for Vendetta, do it, the reference will make sense.

Remember, remember, the 5th of November,

Gunpowder, treason and plot.

I see no reason

Why gunpowder treason

Should ever be forgot.

  • Call me Lenny/
    3 months ago

    That’s not “his” evil plan (which doesn’t even include the president for life part, that was wishful thinking out loud), and the part about jailing opponents is mainly related to those who exploited due process in the political sphere in the past eight years. Which, although Trump is not himself innocent, many, many people did, both for one side and the other (think the Biden family trials, which any normal person would see as parallel to the Trump trials), but with this kind of thing never going anywhere, even for state governors.

    As for the rest, are we really going to hold someone accountable just because of their toxic fandom? That’s the mistake many are trying not to make with all the involved sides. I for one criticize presidents by, I don’t know, their policies and broken promises (e.g. Trump’s military inclusion protocol).

    • Pandantic [they/them]
      3 months ago

      That’s not “his” evil plan

      Fair, but as the puppet in this theater of government takeover, he is culpable.

      which doesn’t even include the president for life part, that was wishful thinking out loud

      Clearly, him wishing to be a dictator does not concern you…

      the part about jailing opponents is mainly related to those who exploited due process in the political sphere in the past eight years

      Can you outline these for me, with some references? The list is:

      • Joe Biden
      • Kamala Harris
      • Mitch McConnell
      • Chuck Schumer
      • Mike Pence
      • Liz Cheney

      are we really going to hold someone accountable just because of their toxic fandom?

      Absolutely, when he stands by them.

      • Call me Lenny/
        3 months ago

        One can fantasize about being a dictator and still have the restraint not to be one. Obama said the same once, exploring the “what if” of if he was elected more than twice. Neither stand by this, and neither stand by what some of their more extreme supporters have done, hence some of the people in Trump’s list of allies, who do not fit the racial image promoted by said followers. The closest thing to this Trump wants is (and elaborating on the due process part here) to jail people who either charged other politicians wrongfully or got away with things wrongfully (which makes it ironic Joe Biden is at the top of your list, we don’t know if he or Hunter are guilty but we know the issue at least deserves more analysis). Aside from Harris out of questionable association, that list draws a blank for me and nothing actually says those people are necessitated in a conversation about people who would be jailed, deciding this which isn’t actually a power that comes with immunity to prosecution in the first place, as immunity to prosecution, if it was an issue here, just gives you invulnerability to political elements, not the power to imbue them, nor does it protect you from the consequences of absolutely every crime, which a president would find out if they ever killed someone for example.

        • Pandantic [they/them]
          3 months ago

          Obama said the same once, exploring the “what if” of if he was elected more than twice.

          From what I can tell, Obama said he probably could have beaten Trump if he had run for a third term AFTER the 2016 election was over. Unless you are referring to something different.

          (1) neither stand by what some of their more extreme supporters have done, (2) hence some of the people in Trump’s list of allies, who do not fit the racial image promoted by said followers.

          On the first point, do I really need to quote the things Trump has said about the January 6th protesters? And those who participated in the Charlottesville white nationalist march in 2017?

          On the second point, regardless of many of his supporters being racists, Trump knows he has to still win over black and Hispanic voters in the political game. And why would he reject a lap dog like Ben Carson or Justice Thomas regardless of their skin color?

          Your last sentence was too long and I don’t understand what you were trying to say, except: 1. Biden and possibly Harris are the only one on the “Trump wants the send to jail list” that make sense to you, and 2. Not every crime will be immune under the new SCOTUS ruling.

          1. Me too, but I know why Trump added them: they are detractors from his “big lie” scheme and/or have criticized him publicly. 2. I understand that in theory, but with a corrupt judicial system, rules can be bent. There are plenty of articles out there outlining how, within currently legal means, the president (whoever they are) can be immune to doing harm to anyone. That, combined with the other reasons I’ve stated, and a myriad of others (Hitler talking points, for example), is the basis for my stance that Trump reaches super villain status.
          • Call me Lenny/
            3 months ago

            If rules can be bent to the point of it being a defense, their mere existence ceases to be an effective enough topic of debate, since their acceptance can just be met with concern that they won’t be adhered to as intended. If he is going to arrest anyone over a “big lie” agenda (or for anything else), it’s also worth pointing out it’s not like they’re not going to get a court hearing for it, it’s not like they’re going to wake up one day and be like “well I guess I’m in jail now”. Relatedly, it’s by the same logic as not rejecting “lap dogs” based on their characteristic that we can’t automatically assume he’s going to accept people as model members of his fandom just because they follow him.