Heritage foundation: “The revolution will be bloodless if the left will allow it to be”
The left: ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Frankly, most of the “left” in the US are wimps. Unwilling to act, unwilling to train to be effective, and damn sure unwilling to risk our own asses for someone else.
A few years ago, George Floyd sparked protests, the concentration camps for illegal immigrants drew complaints, and there was jack shit achieved. You couldn’t get a dozen people together to do anything useful. Oh, they’d wave signs and chant, but that’s about damn pointless in the face of christo-fascism.
I don’t think there’s enough of the armed left that are willing to do anything at all. You’ll have some crazy bastards putting up individual fights because they can’t do otherwise, but fear of change is going to paralyze the rest. And the unarmed “left”? They’re not even cannon fodder. They don’t and won’t do anything useful at all.
boss: “Hey, should I suggest that we bid on the contract for the Heritage Fou-”
me: “Do it and I’ll set off a thermite grenade in the server room.”
boss: “…oh, right. Nevermind.”
Bless em.
eggcelent news!