I have metric and fractional wrenches, hex wrenches, etc. I’d love it if the US would stop holding out and join the 21st, or 20th, or 19th century and finish converting to metric. Yes it would suck a little bit, but since I have to convert every second thing one way or the other anyways, it would at least be a light at the end of the tunnel.
As was stated by someone else, this should be “construction” specifically. All our lumber is shared with the US, so it’s measured in inches/feet. I think most buildings have wall stud spacing measured in inches here to match lumber sizes like 2x4"
The one that stands out for me, I’ve never used imperial to measure distance for work. All our “mileage” is done in km’s.
By work they mean things like small measurements related to tooling eg what size is the socket
I got very confused the other day when I discovered some of my furniture needed imperial allen wrenches. I didn’t realize that was a thing.
I have metric and fractional wrenches, hex wrenches, etc. I’d love it if the US would stop holding out and join the 21st, or 20th, or 19th century and finish converting to metric. Yes it would suck a little bit, but since I have to convert every second thing one way or the other anyways, it would at least be a light at the end of the tunnel.
As was stated by someone else, this should be “construction” specifically. All our lumber is shared with the US, so it’s measured in inches/feet. I think most buildings have wall stud spacing measured in inches here to match lumber sizes like 2x4"