privacy should be enabled by default and not through some hidden settings
What’s hidden about Settings > Privacy? We’re not talking about editing some INI file or crawling through the Windows Registry here. I agree with you that some defaults can be better but claiming those are hidden is just wrong, man.
Good privacy brings inconvenience, don’t even think this compromise could ever be avoided. Convenient WhatsApp has nothing to do with privacy, whatever their PR department might want you to think.
This compromise is unavoidable, and every user should be forced to make the choice. Every kind of defaults is bad. Can you imagine that a messenger app that forces you to choose your place on the scale of security-convenience during onboarding process gets wide adoption? Me neither…
Telegram defaults are very sane for common users, and they have very easy and convinient way to start a secure chat. Best available messenger app so far.
privacy should be enabled by default and not through some hidden settings
What’s hidden about Settings > Privacy? We’re not talking about editing some INI file or crawling through the Windows Registry here. I agree with you that some defaults can be better but claiming those are hidden is just wrong, man.
Good privacy brings inconvenience, don’t even think this compromise could ever be avoided. Convenient WhatsApp has nothing to do with privacy, whatever their PR department might want you to think.
This compromise is unavoidable, and every user should be forced to make the choice. Every kind of defaults is bad. Can you imagine that a messenger app that forces you to choose your place on the scale of security-convenience during onboarding process gets wide adoption? Me neither…
Telegram defaults are very sane for common users, and they have very easy and convinient way to start a secure chat. Best available messenger app so far.
Telegram’s default settings are still way way better for your privacy than whatsapp which doesn’t even has any additional layer of security unlike tg