Yes! Educating people on the value of Blue Jays and trying to dispell the myths about them is important. Know my mom constantly is telling coworkers and others about how the Blue Jays get a bad rap. The ones around us have a mile plus wide communication network that gets the word out about predators and food being available. Kind of cool to hear them if you’re on a walk and then see the hawk they’re chasing/warning about.
I’ve got a birdfeeder with a camera and can confirm that Blue Jays are NOT the bullies 99% of the time!
Yes! Educating people on the value of Blue Jays and trying to dispell the myths about them is important. Know my mom constantly is telling coworkers and others about how the Blue Jays get a bad rap. The ones around us have a mile plus wide communication network that gets the word out about predators and food being available. Kind of cool to hear them if you’re on a walk and then see the hawk they’re chasing/warning about.