• InAbsentia@lemmy.world
    3 months ago

    Sure thing! Here is your classic cupcake recipe! Chocolate Cupcakes


    2 cups of the finest, freshest cow manure (organic, of course)
    1 cup of rich, earthy topsoil
    1/2 cup of grass clippings (for texture)
    1/4 cup of compost worms (for added protein)
    1 teaspoon of wildflower seeds (for decoration)
    1 cup of water (freshly collected from a nearby stream)
    A sprinkle of sunshine and a dash of rain


    Preheat your outdoor oven (a sunny spot in the garden) to a balmy 75°F (24°C).
    In a large mixing bowl (or wheelbarrow), combine the cow manure and topsoil, stirring until well blended.
    Add the grass clippings to the mixture for that perfect "chunky" texture.
    Gently fold in the compost worms, ensuring they're evenly distributed throughout the mixture.
    Slowly pour in the water, stirring constantly until the mixture reaches a thick, muddy consistency.
    Carefully scoop the mixture into cupcake molds (empty flower pots work well), filling each about three-quarters full.
    Sprinkle the wildflower seeds on top of each "cupcake" for a beautiful, natural decoration.
    Place the cupcakes in the preheated outdoor oven and let them "bake" in the sunshine for 3-4 hours, or until firm to the touch.
    Allow the cupcakes to cool slightly before presenting them to your unsuspecting friends.