• undergroundoverground@lemmy.world
    7 months ago

    I think we, in Europe, forget how many lies are folded up into and built on, like a house of cards, their nation’s founding story. I mean, were all guilty of it to one extent or another but theirs is closer to a theocratic fundamentalism, to some people.

    I mean, what other large country is beholden to a 400 year old document, written in a style of English no one uses anymore? Something so open to interpretation that you’re one court ruling from companies being people and paying to unduly influence democracy is freezepeach and their aint no limit on freedom, baby!

    In the UK, we have multiple copies of the original, singed magna carta. Not the magna Carta of finance or whatever. I’m talking about actual, literal physical representations of the birth of Western democracy.

    Do we still abide by it word for word?

    No, that would be fucking stupid.