When asked to produce the flight records, Mr. Trump responded mockingly, repeating the request in a sing-song voice. As of early Friday evening, he had not provided them.
Mr. Trump has a history of claiming he will provide evidence to back up his claims but ultimately not doing so.
This feels like he’s trying to distract from his openness to end availability of pill-based abortions.. Or maybe just being his usual lying weirdo self.
Edit: right now, it looks like Trump can’t tell black men apart, and totally made up the discussion of Harris
He was in a helicopter ride in the SF Bay Area. It wasn’t with ‘Brown.’ It was ‘Graham’ which kinda sounds similar. Someone mis-heard and fake media reported it wrong. And they weren’t talking about ‘Harris.’ It was George Harrison of Beatles fame.
Here are the receipts, you haters: https://www.latimes.com/archives/la-xpm-1991-10-27-mn-1020-story.html
Apologies not accepted.
Edit: Bwahaha. Really people? You think this is a pro-Trump comment? Have you not seen him double-down when confronted by facts?
Edit 2: Hahaha. told you he would double-down: https://www.nytimes.com/2024/08/09/us/politics/trump-helicopter-landing.html?unlocked_article_code=1.Bk4.2Xdy.ZnpbPWUHWbI3&smid=url-share
So he was in a helicopter that crashed and killed all its occupants back in 91?
“fake media”
Post discarded
somebody’s salty
FWIW, I definitely read this as a joke even before getting to the edits. It seemed over the top enough (especially the mention of The Beatles) that the /s came through without the tag.
I suspect the problem is that Trump does have a history of saying such extremely nonsensical things and his fans have a history of supporting and writing off anything that looks bad, that this read as just possible enough for a rabid DJT fanboy to write in actual defense of him.