A New Jersey company called Rook TX exploited lax regulations to buy millions of lottery tickets, winning a $95 million jackpot and prompting Texas Lottery Commission reforms.
not american, but i believe this only applies if you pay less income tax in the country you’re working in than what the US would tax, and given the US income tax is relatively low compared to the rest of the world it rarely actually kicks in
and, it actually kinda makes sense IMO - the US is one of the most global countries in the world: as a US citizen you benefit (???) from the USes extensive international presence (eg if you’re held for ransom in a developing country, or in danger the US state department or military could intervene and probably do the most out of any country) even if you’re not in the country… and all that costs money, so it kinda makes some amount of sense
I don’t understand being taxed on winnings, to be honest
But yous get taxed on working abroad 😂😂
not american, but i believe this only applies if you pay less income tax in the country you’re working in than what the US would tax, and given the US income tax is relatively low compared to the rest of the world it rarely actually kicks in
and, it actually kinda makes sense IMO - the US is one of the most global countries in the world: as a US citizen you benefit (???) from the USes extensive international presence (eg if you’re held for ransom in a developing country, or in danger the US state department or military could intervene and probably do the most out of any country) even if you’re not in the country… and all that costs money, so it kinda makes some amount of sense