Get popcorn ready as they investigated themselves and found all that was needed was rule updates.

We taking bets on if future issues like this will be relegated to dms rather than public posts?

  • dialectical_analysis_of_gock [she/her]
    5 months ago

    jgrim the other main dev of sublinks made a comment in the older pinned post that rooki is really difficult to work with and there has been almost no progress on sublinks in months. rooki has developed all the moderation bots that .world uses. Their application approval is automated via his bots, their auto-ban is through his bots, there is a discord bot that lets anyone with access siteban anyone with literally zero recourse. rooki made a discord bot that scraped every comment on .world at the beginning of the instance, they will log your IP and email address and won’t hesitate to share it with authorities along with any comment you make on their instance which gets mirrored to their private discord server. No surprise at all that another example of rooki lording over .world users goes unpunished