I don’t know if this is just a placebo effect, but it feels like there’s a lot more socialization and faster upvotes in the past hour Sync was released.

  • Obinice@lemmy.world
    2 years ago

    I didn’t particularly like any of the apps for Lemmy, while they all offered some of the features I wanted, none offered all in a single package.

    That, coupled with the clunkyness and bugs that come along with the territory of new developers building something for the first time (which is not a knock against them), I just didn’t really enjoy trying to use Lemmy.

    I’m mainly waiting for Boost, but I like to try the new Lemmy apps hoping to find a great one, and Sync is certainly the best so far, with a robust feature and settings set that does everything I need it to.

    So that’s why I’m spending a little more time here now, I guess! Lemmy is only as good as the app that acts as it’s interface after all, and as the apps improve and become less of a chore to use, so will user retention.