A tentative but less nebulous step toward superconductor-fueled electronics.

  • Itty53@kbin.social
    2 years ago

    Right now a lot of the electricity we send from A to B gets lost as heat energy, among other sciency shit. So for every watt of power you use, it takes more than that to get it to you. You’re phone heats up because of this. Computers all require ventilation and heat sinks because of this. LED screens are even warm and they’re meant to be as not warm as possible.

    Super conductors at room temperature addresses that fundamental problem of moving electricity.

    This doesn’t even touch the magnet factor. Super conducting magnets can levitate. This is literal cars without wheels territory. Maglev roads. Railgun shuttle launches. The abundance of the materials one question is also highly promising. We’re not talking rare earth.

    If this is true it’s the biggest discovery since the transistor, no sweat.