
Noting that the title of the article is not terribly good, as the funds in question have already been appropriated for the purpose of the wall and are not new, and are in fact part of a “compromise” bill that also includes funding for asylum lawyers. Not that I want a compromise bill, or don’t think she shouldn’t push for better, but it’s hardly big news.

That said, the real problem lies at the end:

Zoom in: Beyond embracing the bipartisan bill, Harris’ campaign has portrayed her as an immigration hardliner in ads.

The bottom line: Like the wall itself, Harris’ changes on border policy reflect how Trump has shifted the political debate on immigration during the past decade.

I am getting very, very sick of the trend of Democrats spending more time trying to appeal to bigoted conservatives than trying to actually represent their own constituents or help the people they ostensibly care about.

  • coyotino [he/him]
    6 months ago

    Dems should be ringing the bell that it was Republicans that tanked Biden’s border bill. Every single time this issue comes up, they should immediately pivot to educating the public on this, and questioning why the GOP turned down this bill if they care so much.

    6 months ago

    I am getting very, very sick of the trend of Democrats spending more time trying to appeal to bigoted conservatives than trying to actually represent their own constituents or help the people they ostensibly care about.

    Clinton made it ok, Obama made it cool, and since 2016 it’s been tradition for the Democrats. Citizens United made our elections into a bidding war and the Democrats are often pretty frank that courting billionaires is about not getting outspent by Republicans. As long as they represent the cause of the problem most leftists are concerned about by accepting bribes, they figure they might as well go for conservatives since they seem easier to convince of things.

    The mistake they’re making of course is that conservatives don’t get convinced by rhetoric or appeals, they get convinced by the strong looking one who promises to defend them from all the scapegoats. They can’t out scapegoat the Republicans about the border wall and it’s a little insulting that they thought they could, but it’s better to them than risking their funding by being ethical in our hopelessly corrupt system.

  • HobbitFoot
    6 months ago

    There has been a big push to reintroduce humanity into the border policy, but I don’t know if there is a big push to allow for more undocumented immigration in the USA.

    The DREAM Act is about addressing the existing population within the USA. Getting rid of having kids in cages doesn’t exactly mean letting those kids in the country, but processing them quickly and humanely while under Federal custody; that processing includes likely deportation.

    Most support for immigration I’ve seen has been in increase openings for legal immigration or increasing the acceptance of refugees.