The class with a mannequin is really important to experience firsthand. Like to see that you should really start calling the emergency services and put them on speaker after you’ve assessed the situation and before you start CPR. And to know how hard you have to do it. It doesn’t take incredible skill, the modern mannequins will rate your performance, as long as you go fast enough and don’t stop it’s good. I was in shape at the time and I found it easy enough if you use your weight to help, I don’t think I could keep going hard for more than five minutes though.
That’s why they recommended doing it in a group. You start getting tired, slowing down, not pushing down 5cm, etc so you hand off to someone else. It’s a workout.
The class with a mannequin is really important to experience firsthand. Like to see that you should really start calling the emergency services and put them on speaker after you’ve assessed the situation and before you start CPR. And to know how hard you have to do it. It doesn’t take incredible skill, the modern mannequins will rate your performance, as long as you go fast enough and don’t stop it’s good. I was in shape at the time and I found it easy enough if you use your weight to help, I don’t think I could keep going hard for more than five minutes though.
That’s why they recommended doing it in a group. You start getting tired, slowing down, not pushing down 5cm, etc so you hand off to someone else. It’s a workout.